Thanks for the comments on the last page! This is page 7. After this I'm going to go back to page 1 and work my way up, then see where I'm going to take it.
Also, do any of you guys know of a good way to do half-way decent rain in Photoshop? I'm not happy with any of the results I've been getting.
I've seen tutorials like this one, but i haven't really tried it and can't vouch for how good it will actually look.
(i just tried it and it seems like with some proper tweaking it can be made to look alright.
Yeah - the key with creating rain is to create a good brush where you have a couple of lines of different opacity/thickness. Then use that brush to create the rain in a layer and try different shades of light blue/white and opacity to that layer
Sweet, I'll definitely give that a shot. Thanks for the tip!
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