Saturday, April 25, 2009


So anyone who reads this blog knows I've been punting around a comic idea in my head, but there are a variety of obstacles in my path. One, I need to find a method of cleaning things up that's fast but still appealing to me. Two, I need to find a method of coloring that also fits those criteria. I've yet to come across a clean-up method that I like as much as my sketch linework; cleanup is notorious for murdering the life of a drawing. I wasn't satisfied with the linework and coloring of the two test pages I did before, so I'm going to be experimenting with a couple different approaches in the next few days. I also still need to get some color issues worked out so that what I update on my main monitor looks like what I drew on my Cintiq. I've just been kind of hoping that what everyone else sees is closer to the latter than to the former.

Then there are story issues, but that's a massive pickle in and of itself. I did want to age up the boy character a bit, he was too young for where I would want to take the story.

Basically, "working on it" for the past week has meant idly sketching some characters, plotting vague story points and structures, and playing a lot of Fallout 3.

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